Bangkok The Worlds Most Visited City!

Bangkok The Worlds Most Visited City!

Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, has greeted over 20.05 million overnight international visitors in 2017.   This is more visitors than any other city in the world, reported by the latest MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index.

With a strong projected visitor growth of 9.6 percent in 2018 Bangkok is “unlikely to be bested,” researchers commented.   Bangkok maintains a strong lead over #2 an #3 top spots: London that hosted 19.83 million and Paris with 17.44 million visitors. Forecasted growth for visitors in those cities are at 3 percent and 2.9 percent respectively.

Visitors to the Thai capital stay an average of 4.7 nights and spend USD 173 per day, the multinational financial services corporation added.

The Thai property market has benefited from robust tourism.   China’s arrivals have seen a 400 percent increase over the past five years, “leading to more second home buyers by foreign buyers” in the kingdom, noted a recent report by stock broker UBS Securities Asia Limited.

Dubai, who ranks fourth most visited city worldwide, had an astonishing USD 537 average spending per day.

Fifth place Singapore received 13.91 million visitors last year who spent a daily average of USD 286, which was the third highest among the top 10 cities. New York City attracted 13.13 million, while Kuala Lumpur welcomed 12.58 million visitors.

The newest iteration of the MasterCard index was expanded to cover 162 cities worldwide.

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